one of those light moments

Yes, there’s plenty of work associated with renovating an old family home. We spend most of our time here at mad maison discussing those various challenges. Of course, there are warm and fuzzy moments as well. For example, imagine you’re working on a beautiful Saturday afternoon painting your living room. You’re working in front of the window that you’ve opened to ensure quick drying time. As you gaze out the window for a moment you notice something in the driveway of your neighbor. You notice your father’s name carved into the pavement. And you know, many decades ago, long before you were a twinkle in his eye, your young pops was enjoying the same streets and the same home you now occupy. While most of the time I discuss the price of living in a house that has been occupied by my family for over 60 years, there are moments that make me smile and remind there are benefits as well.

My dad's name in the pavement of the driveway next door. Coincidence? I think not.

My dad's name in the pavement of the driveway next door. Coincidence? I think not.

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