It’s ironic that the day after mad unpacked some of our books we removed a ton of books from the house. My family members who lived in the house before us had a bunch of books that are not valuable to mad. Rather than simply throw all of these books away, we found a good cause to donate them to–the friends of the San Francisco Public Library. We’re frequent users of the SFPL, so in addition to being thrilled that we weren’t throwing these books into a landfill, we’re happy they’re helping an institution we believe in. The fact that their facility made it so easy to drop off over 12 boxes of books was a nice bonus. The friends of the library host regular book sales to help fund the library system, so we’re hopeful that someone will appreciate the books that we donated. We’re now a little bit closer to removing all the old belongings out of the garage–and a little bit closer to our house being 100% mad maison.